Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Preteen Bumble Bee Halloween Costume

What makes a Dad so special that when Daddy comes in the door, nothing matters but getting to the door to give him a big hug and a kiss? Seeing my own husband with his girls, I often smile and recall saying to a girlfriend of mine, "I'd like him to be the father of my children". How did I know that he would be a great Dad? Well, I knew before he did, that he would make a great father when I saw how he treated his nieces and nephews and how he enjoyed childlike play.

With Fathers' Day coming up, I decided to ask a few Moms why they feel their kid's Dad is great? Here is what a few of them had to say.

There seems to be a general consensus around men playing differently with their kids.

"My husband is a child at heart and plays really well with the kids."

"My guy will often play princess with my daughter."

"He plays silly games that I couldn't possibly come up with."

Dad's these days are much more involved with their kids.

"They are much more likely to give them baths and read them their bedtime stories."

"He makes them their favourite breakfast."

"He enjoys taking them to the park."

"Doesn't mind changing dirty diapers."

When Dad comes home from work, he looks forward to spending some quality time with his kid (s).

"My husband can't wait to get home and be greeted by his girls. Daddy!!!"

"My husband enjoys sitting down and watching a movie with the girls."

"He likes to take them to their extra curricular activities."

"He likes helping them with their homework."

Dad's are often under appreciated and Fathers' Day is a nice reminder of how great they really are. To all of you Dad's who are doing their jobs, keep up the good work!


Written by Written by Carmen Joseph

Owner of an online website for Moms.
